There are few greater pleasures for a gardener than harvesting delicious fruit from your own trees. However, this rewarding experience is not without its challenges. There is an extensive list of insects and bugs which can cause problems for a fruit tree; therefore, it is highly essential to use an insecticide for fruit trees to provide the best protection possible.
Purchasing the best insecticide for fruit trees is a wise decision, but with so many options on the market, it is easy to get overwhelmed. Therefore we have listed five of the top pesticides for fruit trees in our fruit tree spray guide, and we dispel some of the common misconceptions surrounding them.
- Bonide (BND217) Citrus, Fruit and Nut Orchard Spray, Insecticide Concentrate
- BioAdvanced 12 Month Tree and Shrub Protect and Feed Concentrate
- Monterey LG6150 Garden Insect Spray, Insecticide & Pesticide Concentrate
- Bonide Products 202 Fruit Tree Spray
- Ortho Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Insecticide Concentrate
Choosing the best insecticide for fruit trees can be a tricky affair due to the competitiveness of the market.
To make this process easier, we have listed some answers to commonly asked questions regarding the top insecticides for fruit trees. These answers will guide you through the maze and in the direction of the best insecticide for fruit trees.
Why are insecticides required for fruit trees?
Fruit trees are susceptible to being attacked by aphids and insects, which damage their shoots. The best insecticides and sprays – which are specially formulated for fruit trees – provide ideal protection against these insects. Fruit aphids are bugs which suck the sap of a fruit tree. The majority of fruit which is grown in the garden can be affected by at least one type of aphid. Choosing the best insecticide for fruit trees is vital to preventing these aphids from wreaking havoc in your garden, primarily because they reproduce at a rapid rate and once this happens they are notoriously hard to control.
When is the best time to use insecticides on fruit trees?
Knowing when to spray fruit trees is very important. Being proactive is a huge factor when it comes to protecting fruit trees through the use of pesticides. Even the best insecticide for fruit trees will struggle to effectively get rid of pests if they get used too late.
The majority of mites, insects and aphids are effectively prevented from doing damage through the early application of a pesticide for fruit trees which includes dormant oil. In an ideal world, this oil should be applied to a fruit tree – such as an apple or peach tree – at the end of winter or the start of spring.
Infestations usually go unnoticed until visible signs of damage to a fruit tree start to show in the early summertime. By this time, control measures are pointless as the aphids have already done their damage and migrated to their summer hosts. Even the best efforts will be ineffective at this stage. However, it is not all doom and gloom! If a top pesticide for fruit trees is used early in the development stages, this will usually prevent infestations. Timing is key when it comes to applying the best insecticide for fruit trees.
How to choose the best insecticide for fruit trees
The quality of ingredients used in a spray for fruit trees is of great importance, as each component provides different functions and ultimately the best protection possible. An ideal insecticide will contain a mixture of ingredients and will be labeled to show the pests and insects they effectively control.
Aphids are a common cause of damage to fruit trees, so choosing an insecticide that contains insecticidal soaps that will control them is best. Certain pesticides are more useful on particular types of fruit trees. For example, apple trees are at risk of pests such as codling moth, apple pandemic caterpillars and green apple aphids. Using a pesticide which contains narrow range oil would perform best at keeping these insect at bay. Peach trees are at risk of infection in the early spring time, which causes the blossoms to gradually rot away. Malathion and Captan are two of the best ingredients which are well suited to peach trees.
What are the benefits of using insecticides for fruit trees?
A vibrant, healthy fruit tree is one of the best and most satisfying sights for a gardener, not to mention the promise of delicious fruits it produces. However, this process can be hijacked as there are a large number of insects which attack fruit trees. Although these pests generally do not affect the fruit directly, they cause damage to the leaves on fruit trees, making them unsightly. Spraying a fruit tree also stops the spread of virus diseases which are especially common on soft fruit trees. These infections cause a stunted plant growth or the leaves to be damaged. Pests that feed on the fruit are the most damaging. Using the best insecticide for fruit trees is the only way to control the insects and ensure that your fruit tree remains healthy and pleasing on the eye.
Are insecticides for fruit trees safe to use?
Due to the chemical nature of insecticides and sprays for fruit trees, it is best to be aware of the safety of these products. Some insecticides for fruit trees are labeled as ‘domestic’ meaning they are composed of ingredients which are best for use in a garden at home. Malathion, permethrin and carbaryl are toxic to bees, while endosulfan can cause harm to birds. The use of insecticides which are harmful to animals is a complex topic which raises ethical questions. It is best to be considerate and to check the toxicity of the spray for fruit trees to reduce damage caused to other life forms. In some cases, choosing an organic insecticide for fruit trees is a good idea. Safety instructions should be clearly stated on the container of a pesticide, which should be strictly adhered to, to avoid unsafe use.
Below you can find a video which thoroughly explains the best way to approach the process of keeping pests from ruining fruit trees. This video focuses explicitly on apple and pear trees, but the tips can be applied to insecticides used on any fruit tree.
Product Reviews
Bonide (BND217) Citrus, Fruit and Nut Orchard Spray, Insecticide Concentrate
A fast-acting insecticide ideal for combating insects and diseases.
The Bonide BND217 Insecticide Concentrate is a versatile option when it comes to protecting your fruit trees from pests. Made by Bonide, a reputable insecticide manufacturer which was established in 1926, this fruit tree spray mixes with water instantly and is then applied using a hose sprayer.
This pesticide is best used for combating a variety of fruit flies and other pests. It also controls several diseases and infections including mildew, rust, brown rot, aphids and leaf spots. It provides adequate protection to all fruit trees against fungal diseases and insects, helping the tree to thrive.
Another great feature of the Orchard Spray insecticide is that you don’t need to use much of it to achieve desired results. One pint of the pesticide will make up to 6.4 gallons of finished spray when mixed with water. This long-lasting formula makes it a very economical option.
- Effective foliage protection
- Easy to apply
- Kills many fruit tree insects
- Requires water mixing before use
- Spray application not included
BioAdvanced 12 Month Tree and Shrub Protect and Feed Concentrate
A long-lasting, revitalizing spray which protects fruit trees.
The BioAdvanced Tree and Shrub Protect and Feed Concentrate is a multi-functioning product. Not only does this formula protect from insects for twelve months, it also provides slow-release feeding for a fruit tree for up to three months. This not only protects the tree, but also ensures its long term health too.
The dual-action formula works to prevent new infestations while also improving the health of the tree through nourishment. This insecticide protects a fruit tree from a long list of insects and pests, and also provides systemic protection to ensure that it cannot be washed off by rain.
A standout feature of the BioAdvanced product is its easy application. This insecticide for fruit trees does not require spraying or pounding spikes into the ground – simply sprinkle the granules or mix with water and pour them onto the base of the fruit tree.
- Long term, 12-month protection
- Provides slow release feeding over three months
- Rainproof protection
- Measuring cup design isn’t as simple as spraying
Monterey LG6150 Garden Insect Spray, Insecticide & Pesticide Concentrate
An odorless insecticide which treats and protects fruit trees rapidly.
The Monterey Insect Spray is a quick-acting insecticide which is produced by fermentation. This product is ideal for fruit trees as it is derived from natural bacteria called spinosad. Spinosad is approved for organic gardening and safe for use on fruit trees.
This spray is easy to apply. It is compatible with trigger sprayers, hand-held sprayers or hose-end sprayers making it a versatile option. Simply add the required amount of the solution to the recommended water amount, mix thoroughly for best results, and the insecticide is ready to be used. Alternatively the spray is available in a ready to use formula and container to save you the hassle of mixing it with water.
The manufacturer Monterey boasts a long history of providing some of the best quality insecticides and pesticides so their products can be trusted. This insecticide controls many of the insects which are known to cause damage to fruit trees.
- Fast acting formula
- Odorless
- Naturally occurring bacteria
- The main ingredient Spinosad is relatively new and therefore hasn’t been tested as extensively as some other insecticides
Bonide Products 202 Fruit Tree Spray
A reliable fruit tree spray which provides complete plant coverage.
This fruit tree pesticide is the perfect concentrate – containing fungicide, insecticide, aphicide, miticide and scalicide. The combinations of these ingredients make this fruit tree spray a reliable choice for controlling a diverse selection of insects and aphids.
A great feature of this insecticide is the inclusion of a spreader sticker which works to improve the effectiveness of the formula by increasing the uniform coverage while increasing adhesion and penetration. Application of the insecticide for fruit trees is straight forward – simply mix with the desired amount of water and happy using a hose-end sprayer. The 16 liquid oz concentrate solution makes up to 21 gallons of insecticide, so it is good value.
This insecticide is ideal for protecting apples, cherries, grapes, strawberries, peaches and other fruits. It also fights against many common infections and diseases which can hamper the vitality of your fruit tree.
- Includes spreader sticker for best effectiveness
- Protects foliage
- Provides complete fruit tree coverage
- Only compatible with a hose-end or tank end sprayer
Ortho Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Insecticide Concentrate
A versatile fruit tree spray ideal for use on edibles.
No products found.This fruit tree borer insecticide is specifically formulated for edibles. It works to remove all insect stages, including eggs, larvae and adult pests. It also effectively controls aphids, mealybugs, mites, scale, whiteflies, beetles and other insects – preventing fungal attacks on plant tissues.
Application of this insecticide for fruit trees is simple and easy. It can be applied using a tank sprayer and should be used within a few hours of preparation for maximum effectiveness. Constantly agitating the solution when it is in spraying equipment will improve its efficiency. This product comes equipped with an instructional booklet to ensure that it is used safely.
This pesticide is highly effective when applied in the early morning when adult insect pests are usually sedentary. Overall this spray is a great product which will provide adequate protection to your fruit trees.
- Effectively kills insects at all stages of their development
- Can be used up to the day of harvest
- Perfect for use on edibles such as fruit trees
- Doesn’t come in a spray bottle
Although all of the above products are highly effective, there is one which stands out as the best insecticide for fruit trees…
- 12 MONTH PROTECTION: With just one application, kills listed insects and prevents new infestations for up to a year
- INSECT and PEST KILLER: Kills Japanese Beetles, Emerald Ash Borers, Adelgids, Leafminers, Aphids, Caterpillars, and more
- SLOW-RELEASE FERTILIZER: Plant food and fertilizer improves the health of your trees and shrubs
- SYSTEMIC PROTECTION: Protects your potted and outdoor trees and shrubs from the roots to the stem of every leaf
- RESTRICTIONS: Product intended only for non-bearing fruit and nut trees. Non-bearing fruits and nuts are plants that do not bear edible fruits and nuts for at least 12 months after application of pesticides. Not for sale in NY, CT, MD, MA, ME, and VT.
BioAdvanced 12 Month Tree and Shrub Protect and Feed Concentrate
Combining value and quality, this insecticide’s dual function sets it apart from the competition. As previously stated, one of the main aspects of effective pest control on fruit trees is being proactive and acting early. This pesticide provides 12 months of complete protection from insects, pests, diseases and infections while slowly nourishing the fruit tree by feeding it over three months, making it the best choice by far. This insecticide is best applied in early springtime is ideal for ensuring that your fruit tree thrives throughout the summer months and leaves you with the best fruit possible.