Author: best insecticide

Whiteflies in the Lawn

Whiteflies in the Lawn?

When you walk across the garden, do whiteflies fly out of the grass? What are the whiteflies on my lawn? Whiteflies suffer from an identity crisis – they are probably not even flies – they …
Whiteflies on Gardenia Plants

Whiteflies on Gardenia

Whiteflies are not good news for gardenia growers. Your attractive foliage is under attack – tiny whiteflies are sucking up the sap and depositing honey on which black mold thrives. They are not easy to …
Whiteflies on Hibiscus Plants

Whiteflies on Hibiscus

Hibiscus are beautiful flowering plants, and not only are they attractive to humans – but also the dreaded whitefly. These tiny white flies home in on your plants to nibble away at the rich, juicy …
Best fogger for spiders

Best Fogger for Spiders

If you find a single spider in your home, then it’s easy enough to overcome the panic and to gently pick them up so you can throw them out the window, to bug safety. However, …

Bug A Salt 3.0 Review

There’s no denying the fact that bugs and insects are annoying when flying around our houses. You can find plenty of fly sprays on the market that includes chemicals to kill insects quickly and easily. …

Best Spider Traps

Spiders. They’re creepy, always come out at the most unexpected times, and can be absolutely huge. There is no way you’re getting close enough to catch it in a glass. If you’re a parent with …
Roach Spray Kills Cockroaches

Bengal Gold Roach Spray Review

If you’ve spotted a cockroach in the corner of your home, it’s a natural reaction to panic regardless if it’s just the one you’ve seen or a whole infestation of them in a room. They’re …

How To Get Rid Of Roaches in your Car?

Picture the scene. You’re driving down the highway with a good tune blasting through your speakers and the sun shining on the road ahead. It’s a good day, you’re feeling positive, and ready to face …

How To Get Rid Of June Bugs?

Maybe you’ve been relaxing, sitting in the garden, a lovely beverage in hand and a good book in the other. Suddenly you’re sucker punched in the face by a large flying insect! What was that! …