The Leading Insecticides to Get Rid of Insects & Pests Fast.

Pest control can be a problem both indoors as well as outside of your home. Insecticides are a great option when other control methods fail. However, selecting an ideal product might seem daunting to you.

The best insecticide needs to kill the targeted bugs without presenting damage to home or health. We have created this article to provide you the knowledge for selecting an excellent insecticide based on multiple factors.

This is followed by a review of these five products that produce great results:

Low Toxicity Level
Tempo Ultra SC 240 ML (8.12 oz) Multi Use Pest Control Insecticide ~ Spiders Bedbugs Roaches Silverfish etc..
Long Lasting
Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer for Indoor & Perimeter2 with Comfort Wand, Controls Ants, Roaches, and Spiders, 1.1 gal
Sawyer Products SP6022 Premium Permethrin Insect Repellent for Clothing, Gear & Tents, Aerosol Spray, 9-Fluid Ounce, Twin Pack- Packaging May Vary
BioAdvanced 502570 Dual Action Rose and Flower Insect Killer Ready-To-Use, 24-Ounce (502570B)
Tempo Ultra SC 240 ML (8.12 oz) Multi Use Pest Control Insecticide ~ Spiders Bedbugs Roaches Silverfish etc..
Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer for Indoor & Perimeter2 with Comfort Wand, Controls Ants, Roaches, and Spiders, 1.1 gal
Sawyer Products SP6022 Premium Permethrin Insect Repellent for Clothing, Gear & Tents, Aerosol Spray, 9-Fluid Ounce, Twin Pack- Packaging May Vary
BioAdvanced 502570 Dual Action Rose and Flower Insect Killer Ready-To-Use, 24-Ounce (502570B)
Amazon Prime
Amazon Prime
Low Toxicity Level
Tempo Ultra SC 240 ML (8.12 oz) Multi Use Pest Control Insecticide ~ Spiders Bedbugs Roaches Silverfish etc..
Tempo Ultra SC 240 ML (8.12 oz) Multi Use Pest Control Insecticide ~ Spiders Bedbugs Roaches Silverfish etc..
Long Lasting
Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer for Indoor & Perimeter2 with Comfort Wand, Controls Ants, Roaches, and Spiders, 1.1 gal
Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer for Indoor & Perimeter2 with Comfort Wand, Controls Ants, Roaches, and Spiders, 1.1 gal
Amazon Prime
Sawyer Products SP6022 Premium Permethrin Insect Repellent for Clothing, Gear & Tents, Aerosol Spray, 9-Fluid Ounce, Twin Pack- Packaging May Vary
Sawyer Products SP6022 Premium Permethrin Insect Repellent for Clothing, Gear & Tents, Aerosol Spray, 9-Fluid Ounce, Twin Pack- Packaging May Vary
Amazon Prime
BioAdvanced 502570 Dual Action Rose and Flower Insect Killer Ready-To-Use, 24-Ounce (502570B)
BioAdvanced 502570 Dual Action Rose and Flower Insect Killer Ready-To-Use, 24-Ounce (502570B)
  • Sawyer Products Premium Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent
  • Bayer Advanced Dual Action Rose and Flower Insect Killer
  • Ortho Home Defense MAX Insect Killer Spray for Indoor and Home Perimeter
  • FMC Talstar P Professional
  • Tempo Ultra SC Multi Use Pest Control Insecticide

Understanding Insecticides and Pesticides

What is a pesticide?

Pesticides are chemicals or other materials that are used to control animal or plant “pest” populations. A pest can be described as organisms that are harmful or a nuisance for domesticated animals, humans, plants, or property. Pesticides can be broken down into more specialized products, including:

  • Pesticide Compounds – These will often come in liquid, pellet, or powder forms. These products contain powerful concentrations of ingredients that are best used on larger animals like mice or rats.
  • Disinfectants – Are mostly found in liquid sprays. They are the top choice for eliminating and controlling the spread of bacteria.
  • Fungicides – This type of product can be found in liquids or powders. They are ideal for killing various mildew and molds as well as preventing them from growing in treated areas.
  • Insecticides – Can be purchased in liquids, powders, or other materials. The best insecticide products are used to kill or control various types of insects.
  • Plant Pesticides – Are usually sold in liquid or powder forms, but can also come as a granular insecticide. These are excellent for controlling weed populations. There are also pesticides that are best used for killing off all vegetation in the treated area as well.

Remember that not all pesticides are insecticides

Insecticide products focus on controlling various types of insects and will usually perform poorly (or not at all) when trying to control other types of pests. The best pest control sprays might also affect some species of plants, but their weed pesticide abilities will be limited at best. Use your home bug spray on insects and select a different kind of pesticide for other problem animals or plants.

Understand that most bugs spray repellents do not make the best bug killer sprays

When most people talk about bugs sprays, they are referring to insect repellents. While the best bugs sprays may act as an insecticide towards specific insects, most are designed to keep them off of surfaces. They are usually weaker in strength, allowing them to be applied to clothing or your skin.

Bugs spray repellents are often used for creatures that carry insect-borne diseases, including:

  • Bugs Spray For Fleas
  • Bugs Spray For Flies
  • Bugs Spray For Mosquitos
  • Bugs Spray For Ticks

Multi-Purpose Bugs Spray is also available that can act as a repellent and/or insecticide for a multitude of bugs, but they may not be as effective as home bug spray products designed for specific pests.

Remember Safety When Using Insecticides Or Pesticides

No matter if you are using a professional bug spray or a home bug spray, you will need to use caution to avoid potential health issues for yourself or your family. Once you have appropriately identified the type of pest and target area, keep the following steps in mind before using any insecticide or pesticide.

Always read the label on the bugs spray container

All pesticide products, including insecticides, must have a (label that provides information) such as:

  • Active ingredients
  • Where it can be used (including if it’s safe on plants)
  • Types of pests it is effective against
  • How to mix, use, store, and dispose
  • Safety precautions to take
  • Dangers posed by its use

Each pest control spray will be different so do not assume that handling one insecticide will be the same as using another. Never use an insecticide (or any other type of pesticide) if it does not have a label.

Use proper safety gear when handling home bug sprays

When using pest control spray products, including professional bug spray equipment, it is critical to have the (proper safety gear) available to use. Remember to read the insecticide label for specific instructions for handling and using that particular pesticide.

Plan ahead, and keep the following on hand whenever you use insecticides:

  • Full-length pants and long sleeve shirts – This helps to keep insecticides from clinging to your skin. Even diluted home bug spray products can be harmful if they soak into the skin. Professional bug spray products may require extra layers.
  • Work boots and long rubber gloves – Your hands and feet will need extra protection as it is more likely they will come into contact with insecticide powders or sprays. Professional bug sprays may require specialized gloves (such as butyl, neoprene, or nitrite).
  • Head and neck protection – A wide-brimmed hat that is chemical-resistant will help to protect your eyes, face, and neck. Scarves can also help to cover skin on your neck. These are critical when using pest control spray, especially if they have the strength of professional bug sprays.
  • Eye protection – Safety glass or a face shield protects insecticide users from pesticide dust and airborne liquids. Even the best bug killer formulas that are advertised as safe for skin contact can be harmful if they enter your eyes.
  • Respirators – Will help to prevent inhaling atomized liquid insecticides or airborne pesticide powders. The best insecticide compounds can agitate your nasal cavity or lungs, and professional bug sprays can be even more dangerous than typical home bug sprays.

Using The Best Bug Killer Insecticides Or Pesticides

The best insecticide brands must be used correctly to work as advertised. Keep in mind the following processes when selecting the best bug killer for your situation.

Select a pest control spray that works for the target area

The best insecticide brands usually offer various insecticide formulas meant for specific areas. It is recommended to never use any type of pesticide, including insecticides, on vegetation that you plan on eating.

However, this sometimes cannot be avoided, in which case you should look towards the best insecticides for vegetable gardens. Take particular care and follow the instructions attentively.

Home bug spray products are often designed to work either indoors or outside. If for some reason, the insecticide label does not indicate this, it would be safe to assume that the pest control spray is meant for outdoor use only. Extra caution should be used when applying insecticide products indoors, especially if they are professional bug spray formulas.

Outdoor insecticides often require moisture, sunlight, or wind to activate correctly. Usually, the best insecticide products designed for outdoor use produce fumes that are too dangerous for the limited ventilation found in your home. The best bug killer products intended for outdoor use will also leave a residue that lingers or would leave a stain on indoor surfaces.

Indoor home bug spray formulas do not require the elements to activate, including professional bug spray compounds. Your best insecticide compounds for interior use will produce minimal fumes but ventilating a room after the insecticide is applied would still be recommended. Also, note that the best bug killer products will not damage or stain interior fabrics or surfaces when the insecticide is used.

Try to use the least powerful insecticide available that can still kill bug infestations. It is considered best practice to avoid even the best bug killer products if they are too powerful for the job as they may increase the chance of property damage or health problems. Review the label before purchase and select an insecticide that will not poison your garden or kill your plants if too much is applied.

Mixing and spraying pesticides properly

While some insecticides come ready-to-use, the best insecticide products often come in concentrates. It is best to follow the pest control spray instructions and the best bug killer containers will often have measuring devices included. Proper measuring and mixing ratios will allow you to use the insecticide effectively and safely.

Adding more pest control spray into the mix than indicated will not kill insects quicker, even if you are using the best insecticide available. In the case of professional bug spray products, adding more concentrate to the mix could damage your garden, lawn, or home.

Home bug sprays may come in a container that can be used for the application of the pesticide. With concentrated pest control sprays, you will need to use a compressed air sprayer a trigger pump to distribute the insecticide. If you use this type of equipment make sure to test the spray with water to make sure it is working before filling it with your home bug spray.

Best practices for storing and disposing of pest control sprays

Original containers make the best insecticide storage items as they are built to hold the insecticide without degrading. The best bug killer products also have a lid that will keep your family and pets safer. The best bug killer needs the label intact so that you can use it correctly each time as well.

This video reviews the best practices for using pesticides, including professional bug spray products.

Reviews Of Five Best Insecticides

Sawyer Products Premium Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent

An excellent spray repellant that also kills many pesky insects.

Sawyer Products SP6022 Premium Permethrin Insect Repellent for Clothing, Gear & Tents, Aerosol Spray, 9-Fluid Ounce, Twin Pack- Packaging May Vary

This aerosol spray is an excellent choice for those who like to camp, hike, or hunt. It is designed to be applied to fabrics used in outdoor activities such as clothing, tents, and mosquito netting.

This aerosol can is an ideal insecticide container for transport and use away from home.

Its main ingredient is Permethrin, and once applied can last up to six weeks. Permethrin should not be sprayed around cats, although coming into contact with treated materials should be okay once they are dry. The spray is also capable of lasting through several wash cycles as well.

The repellant’s container size will not last as long as other insecticides would.

It is easy to use, requiring you only to point the can and spray from a few inches away!


  • This is an excellent choice for those looking for protection while camping or hunting
  • It acts as an insecticide as well as a bug repellant
  • The spray can is easy to operate in all conditions


  • It can be complicated and messy to apply if there is any wind while spraying
  • This insecticide must be applied heavily and will be used up quickly
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Bayer Advanced Dual Action Rose and Flower Insect Killer

An insecticide spray that is good for use on decorative plants.

BioAdvanced 502570 Dual Action Rose and Flower Insect Killer Ready-To-Use, 24-Ounce (502570B)

Bayer is a well-established German brand name for pesticide products, including this dual-action insecticide formula. It is designed to kill bugs on contact from direct spraying and will last for up to 30-days once it is applied.

This insecticide becomes rainproof after it has been able to set for an hour.

It makes a good choice for flowering plants with soft pedals, including roses. This product is also an ideal alternative for use on houseplants inside of your home as it doesn’t have an overwhelming smell or fumes.

The atomized spray can coat surfaces that indoor plants sit on.

As an insecticide, it is capable of killing off over 35 varieties of bugs that typically infest flowers and plants.


  • This spray is safe to use indoors on houseplants as well as in outdoor settings
  • It comes ready-to-use and does not require you to mix the insecticide
  • The 24-ounce bottle is easy to use and store when it is not in use


  • The bottle can be awkward to use at certain angles or in harder to reach areas
  • Its tip can drip built-up insecticide onto the trigger and your hands
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Ortho Home Defense MAX Insect Killer Spray for Indoor and Home Perimeter

A long-lasting insecticide designed to protect home, garden, and yard.

Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer for Indoor & Perimeter2 with Comfort Wand, Controls Ants, Roaches, and Spiders, 1.1 gal

The MAX insecticide can last up to three months outdoors, while it should remain effective indoors for up to one year. It would be an ideal choice for those looking to provide a barrier of protection for long periods of time.

This insecticide is good to use on a multitude of surfaces as it does not stain them.

Its protective barrier can be applied to any non-porous surface without having to worry about damage or discoloration. This product dries quickly and does not produce an odor, making it an excellent choice for indoor use.

When used indoors it can break down quicker on surfaces exposed to the sun.

This product is effective at killing over 130-species of bugs and is fast acting.


  • This insecticide is a good option for indoor and outdoor settings as well
  • It can last up to 12-months after applying it to a surface
  • The one-gallon bottle is equipped with a sprayer and can cover larger areas


  • It is highly toxic and will require extra precautions when used indoors
  • This insecticide can be harmful to livestock as well as bee populations
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FMC Talstar P Professional

A powerful insecticide that works well in all environmental settings.

No products found.

This product is an ideal choice for those needing an insecticide that they can use in a multitude of settings. Its formula is designed to work well indoors as well as outside. It is capable of lasting up to three months after application, providing users a good option if they are battling difficult infestations such as termites.

This insecticide is an excellent option for food preparation areas.

While it is a bit problematic when first sprayed, it is safe to be around once it dries (something that four-legged family members would appreciate). It will work great on firm surfaces that are non-porous in nature.

The Bifenthrin that it contains isn’t a good choice for bedding or couches.

This product is capable of killing over 75 different pests, including cockroaches and spiders.


  • This insecticide provides professional-level bug-killing strength
  • It is labeled as pet safe once the product is dry
  • The compounds dry clear and are odorless


  • The information and instructions included with this insecticide can feel complex
  • This concentrated product must be mixed accurately before it can be used
No products found.

Tempo Ultra SC Multi Use Pest Control Insecticide

A fast-acting pesticide concentrate that can be used almost anywhere.

Tempo Ultra SC 240 ML (8.12 oz) Multi Use Pest Control Insecticide ~ Spiders Bedbugs Roaches Silverfish etc..

A great feature to this product is its low toxicity level. The reason for this is that Bayer has formulated it to use less active ingredients when diluted. It also has a low use rate which is a good choice for those looking to use minimal pesticides in the target area.

This pesticide is effective against over 100 pest species.

The fast knockdown rate offered by this product eliminates infestations quickly, without having to wait weeks to see results. It can be used in both indoor as well as outdoor settings.

The measuring compartment must be filled by squeezing the bottle which can cause overfilling the compartment if you are not careful.

As it is designed to be sprayed before pre-binning of grains, bug species that it can kill include flour beetles and granary weevils.


  • Each eight-ounce bottle can make up to 30-gallons of pesticide
  • It can be used on indoor and outdoor surfaces including grain containers
  • The container comes with a measuring compartment for easier mixing


  • It comes at a high price point for the amount of concentrate you get
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Final Thoughts On Insecticides

All of the products reviewed above can offer you excellent protection. With that being said, we feel that the  No products found. is the best insecticide on the list. As a concentrate, it will provide you with more pesticide product than an aerosol can or spray bottle will.

No products found.

It is powerful, offering you professional grade bug killing strength. That may be ideal in settings with severe infestations. This powerful spray can be used on over 75 varieties of insects, making it a good choice for possible future outbreaks as well as the current one.

While it is powerful, it can be used both indoors and outdoors, including sensitive areas used to prepare foods. It will stain or produce intense fumes. Finally, it is formulated to be safe around once it is dry.

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